Convention Location & Lodging


Raddison Hotel Fossil Creek/Fort Worth Fossil Creek

2450 Meacham Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76106

Book your group rate for Texas Clown Association 2025

Room Rate: $119. 00 per night (+ tax) up to 4 people per room

(includes WIFI) All rooms 1 King or 2 Full

Breakfast included for 2 people per room. 

Extra Breakfast tickets are $11.95 ea (Payable to hotel)



Or call 817-625-9911 and ask for the Texas Clown Association Block

Make your hotel reservation by the deadline 8/11/2025 to ensure you have a room. Please plan to stay at the convention

hotel to help TCA meet its room block and save money on the convention meeting space.


**If you require an ADA room, please call the hotel direct and request that and specify it is for the Texas Clown Association Block.



For Hotel Questions? Contact Patricia Frias

Registration Questions? Contact Nancy “Bubbles” Arent